Employee Spotlight: Jason Knorre
Our Laser Central Employee Spotlight is a way for us to showcase our dedicated and dynamic team. This month we spoke to Jason Knorre. We chose to showcase Jason this month because Christmas is just around the corner and we believe his kind and generous nature truly embodies the spirit of the season.
What do you do at Laser Central?
I am a Break Press operator.
What does an average day look like for you?
We’ve always got a lot on, it’s just go go go! You have a bit of fun along the way. We work as a team and manage to pump out the work.
How long have you been working at Laser Central
I’ve been working at Laser Central for just under two years now. The guys have welcomed me on board I get along with most people here.
What is it like working here?
Work’s good, the boss is great. Everyone here is always willing to offer you a hand and teach you new stuff. I feel like this place is always moving forward. Rob shows great initiative to move the company forward and introduce new things. The business is growing and there is always something new happening.
Do you have a nickname?
Not that I know of. There’s probably one behind my back. (laughs) Hopefully not.
What’s a terrible movie or TV Show you secretly love?
I’ve got four young kids and I like sitting down and watching shows with them and going to the movies. I think kids shows and movies are good to watch. There is always something in there for the adults to keep them happy.
What do you like to do in your down time?
I’m pretty busy because I’ve got a family with a wife and four kids. My wife and I started a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre for women and children. There is only a handful in Queensland and we’ve got one of them so that keeps me really busy.
What’s the best piece of advice someone’s ever given you?
I remember when I was younger and doing an apprenticeship, there were a couple of guys there who were mentors, I remember being told to ‘just give it a go.’. I was a bit slack at first but they said ‘Look mate just give it a go. At least try it once.’ Sometimes the kids can be a little stand-of-ish and I try to encourage them to always ‘give it a go’. I encourage them to try something different like gymnastics, drawing, maths and all that sort of stuff. They are pretty active my kids.
What inspires and motivates you to get up every morning?
I’ll put it down to the kids at this moment in my life. I want to be a good role model for them. What we do for the rehab center also inspires me because we are showing the kids that you should give back to the community and that inspires me to keep going.
If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?
I would say for a bit of inspiration the previous president of the United States. Not the current president. The previous one because he’s a pretty good man. I’d like to get some inspiration from him about what to do next.
What’s something you are good at that not many people know about?
Golf. I’ve got a handicap of 8. Until you bring it up or go play with people they don’t really know that you can drive a ball fairly far. That and squash. I was a representative for Queensland when I was young.
When was the last time you took a risk and did it pay off?
I would have to say when I hooked up with my wife about 10 years ago. I was a bit of a party man and I decided to settle down and change my life by marrying my wife. It paid off.
What’s your favourite food?
Lasagna, homemade.
What’s your favourite singer, artist or band?
Because I’m old school I like older types of rock like Black Sabbath, the Eagles, good pub listening music.
What actor would you like to play you in a movie?
George Costanza! He’s got no hair but he’s a funny dude I like him.
If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
A cat because they get spoiled and looked after. They don’t have to do anything they just lie around getting massages.
What would your dream holiday be?
I wouldn’t mind going to Canada. Maybe at the start of the season when you can see everything but also go skiing.